Friday 3 July 2020

Special Year - Pregnancy ( My 38 Weeks)

Time passing so fast, already pass half a year of 2020. There have many things happen during this half year. Beginning of the year i was been retrenched due to company business going down. Second thing is the Covid-19 virus around the world and Malaysia government have to lock down the county until May and it just slowly back to normal recently.

During this jobless time , i was no income at all and depending the compensation from company. It also lucky before we have paid the Sosco EIS , so we can applied the Sosco EIS scheme to claim some money up to 6 Month.

The most lucky and cheer up my life and promote me to another level was i'm pregnant. It really thanks god to bring me an angel to me. It really grateful and thankful.

When the time i knew i'm pregnant i really happy and crying also. I was waiting quite some time and also due to my age getting old and i worry hard to get baby

I'm doing check up at private and government clinic also . Compare both parties, government really save me a lot of money and they also very carefuller. Although i have to spend time on waiting queue , but they check very detail. I remember the 1st time visit them, they found out i have a Fibroid and it quite bigger. They quickly arrange the hospital scanning appointment for me for check up. This fibroid may cause me cannot natural give birth, it may caesarean.

Due to i have fibroid , i have a lot of things cannot eat. Even the Chinese tonic food i also cannot take. Because it will help to growth up the fibroid faster.

On the caesarean day really expected and scared. Expected was my little boy come to the world and the scared was the process of the caesarean. I remember that time i need 3 Anesthetist to help to inject the Anesthetic. The 1st 2 Anesthetist cannot get the right position to inject and i can smell the blood taste when bleeding out from the place need to Anesthetic. End up they need to ask for their bosses to help. All the Caesarean Section doctor and nurse are waiting me to done the Anesthetic part.

This Caesarean was half body anesthesia and you can feel and heard what the doctor and nurse doing. Not sure how many minute after the nurse carry my son and show me and ask me the gender of baby.
After take out the baby the specialist doctor will hand over the balance job to others doctor to continues.

I have to lay on bed at least 6 hour only can take meal and a day after only take out the urination tube and go down from the bed walk. Due to my son early 2 week deliver, he have to use oxygen. i only can see my son after 36 hour only. That's feeling really worry and sad.

After stay in hospital 2 night more and check everything was fine then can discharged. Total bill only RM 780. It really cheaper than private. If my case do the Caesarean i think need more than RM12K .

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