Monday 23 October 2017

Anmyna Pure Makeup Cream Bottler

All the packaging design of Anmyna products are so amazing,especially the one which launching on this year August - Pure Makeup Cream.

Anmyna Pure Makeup Cream bottle is look so elegant and modern. The packaging all are using good quality handmade material to make it.Besides that, Anmyna also using the Swiss Technology "Vacuum Press" design to be the Pure Makeup Cream bottle.

The Swiss Technology "Vacuum Press" design is good for protect the cream not easy to be 
exposed to bacteria. With the pressing type, it also easy to control the amount of cream and not wasted.

Anmyna Pure Makeup Cream bottle look so elegant and modern  
The bottle cap can use as mirror surface 
Swiss Technology "Vacuum Press" design  
Not easy to exposed to bacteria 
Please take note that, don't take out the pressing cap. While exposed the pressing function cannot be use anymore. Of course you still can take a small amount of cream by using the finger. But the cream will easy to get bacteria

Interesting can give me a message thru wechat (id: stephanieyoonyoon ) or leave a  comment .

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